Expand to New Regions: Unlocking Multi-Tenant CRM Capabilities with Kenmore Design

All About Forex

In the world of Forex and proprietary trading, FX Brokers and Prop Firms are always seeking ways to expand their operations efficiently. Managing multiple brands, regulatory requirements, and regional preferences can be complex, but Kenmore Design’s Regions System offers a seamless solution. This powerful multi-tenant FX Broker CRM feature enables Brokers to run multiple trading … Continued

How to Avoid Vendor Lock-in While Setting Up a Prop Firm / FX Broker

All About Forex

Starting your own Prop Firm or Forex Brokerage is an ambitious and rewarding endeavour. However, many new Brokers overlook a crucial aspect that can significantly impact their operations and long-term success: vendor lock-in. Vendor lock-in occurs when a company becomes overly dependent on a single provider for critical services such as IT infrastructure, trading platforms, … Continued

Promo Materials and Referral Tools for IBs

All About Forex | Web Design

We all know that capturing leads for your forex brokerage can require the help of IBs. Your competitors are constantly innovating and so should you. Despite this fact, we have the answers you are looking for. Let’s see if you are getting the most out of IB Promo materials and Referral Tools for IBs. We need to work … Continued

How to Implement Multi-language Support

Marketing | Web Design

When you connect with markets in every part of the globe, it’s essential to have multi-language support. Currently there are many options to start this process, which we will tell you about later. If you are able to reach different regions of the world your business will grow better. But for that you need to know how … Continued

Common Forex Brokers Mistakes

All About Forex

Hello, my name is Alex and I’m in charge of Business Development here at Kenmore Design. In today’s episode I want to point out some common forex brokers mistakes when they set up new brokerages. Knowledge is power, and sometimes we refuse to see that we are taking the wrong way although in the long run this behaviour will take … Continued

4 Ready To Go Surveys for 2020

Customer Service

Do you want to expand your IB business or MAM business? Don’t know which one to focus on? For that you need a CRM and read this post. We have prepared for you “4 Ready to go surveys for 2020“, so you won’t waste time. If you need a good survey or a combination of surveys, there are plethora … Continued

How to Measure Customer Satisfaction

Customer Service

Currently, the customer service quality is increasingly valued. Not only that, but customers have more means of communication to contact companies. That means two things: if the client is happy with the service provided, he will recommend it to his family and colleagues. On the contrary, if the client is unhappy, he will do much … Continued