Expand to New Regions: Unlocking Multi-Tenant CRM Capabilities with Kenmore Design

All About Forex

In the world of Forex and proprietary trading, FX Brokers and Prop Firms are always seeking ways to expand their operations efficiently. Managing multiple brands, regulatory requirements, and regional preferences can be complex, but Kenmore Design’s Regions System offers a seamless solution. This powerful multi-tenant FX Broker CRM feature enables Brokers to run multiple trading … Continued

Data Security for Forex Brokers

All About Forex

Have you been watching the news lately? Have you heard about the most recent data leak from this and that website? If you did, most likely hackers were able to breach a very very large company and posted their loot online somewhere where third parties were able to access and verify its origin, That is … Continued

Should You Offer Live Chat for Your Brokerage?

Customer Service

There are multiple reasons why you should offer live chat for your brokerage. At the moment, you’re not totally convinced to take this step, but that will change when you finish reading this article. You already have other ways of communication with your traders and IBs such as email, social networks, and your phone, so why should you … Continued

How to Build Your Brand From Scratch

All About Forex | Marketing

“Leading companies have the best branding strategy”. Well…that’s not really true. SME also have good branding strategies, but the public only gets to know the big ones, of course. Whether you are a large or a small company, you need to implement a global marketing campaign. Today, particularly we’ll be focusing on how to build your brand from … Continued

5 Best Blogs to Learn Marketing for Your Brokerage

All About Forex | Marketing

Do you usually read any digital marketing blogs? Have you recently checked any articles about how to better reach your digital audience? If your answer is no, it’s time to change those habits! We found a bunch of blogs to learn Marketing when we searched on Google, but the question is: are they brilliant and updated? Kenmore … Continued

3 Video Ideas for Your Website

All About Forex | Marketing

You found the perfect website builder to set up your website years ago. Now, your competitors are updating their websites too. They are using different social networks and video strategies to attract more leads. They are going further, reaching new markets but above all reaching new generations of traders. This year it’s time to take advantage of your website‘s potential. Nowadays Video … Continued

Promo Materials and Referral Tools for IBs

All About Forex | Web Design

We all know that capturing leads for your forex brokerage can require the help of IBs. Your competitors are constantly innovating and so should you. Despite this fact, we have the answers you are looking for. Let’s see if you are getting the most out of IB Promo materials and Referral Tools for IBs. We need to work … Continued

4 Tips to Improve Customer Relationships


In the last decade, customer experience has become a decisive factor in the market. Companies increasingly invest more capital in their customer service department. But not only that, they do follow-ups and more detailed studies of the way in which their clients interact with their services. These 4 tips to improve customer relationships are just the beginning of the journey. From … Continued

On-site SEO Elements for Your Forex Website

All About Forex | Marketing | SEO

Last month we talked about why you should know about On-Page SEO and now it’s time to go deeper into this subject. We all want our forex website to reach Google ranking’s first positions but in order to do that we have to implement a compelling strategy. If you don’t know yet what the On-site SEO elements for your forex website are, … Continued

7 SEO Tips for Forex Brokers

SEO | Web Design

If you run an Internet-Based Business a clear Forex Brokerage SEO plan is the most important part of your marketing strategy.  If you want to implement an SEO strategy, this is a good starting point. You have to keep in mind that it has to be a comprehensive strategy that reaches a good medium or … Continued