In the last decade, customer experience has become a decisive factor in the market. Companies increasingly invest more capital in their customer service department. But not only that, they do follow-ups and more detailed studies of the way in which their clients interact with their services. These 4 tips to improve customer relationships are just the beginning of the journey. From now on, your efforts have to be addressed to make your clients have unique experiences with your forex services.
It’s not enough to just be a good broker – you have to be the best. The forex market is highly competitive, so be the first to make the difference. You’ll personally see the good results that come from effective customer service techniques.
Your traders and IBs will notice too.

Last week, something in your mind clicked. You noticed that although you captured more leads, a couple of loyal customers stopped using your forex services. Besides, in the last survey you made, you had a mediocre score so you are wondering what could have gone wrong. Sometimes forex brokers forget about their trader’s thoughts or complaints. You are the broker that hundreds of traders depend on, so keep this in mind.
“49% of American consumers switched companies last year due to poor customer service”, New Voice Media says. This customer trend is growing, so jump on the bandwagon or you’ll fall behind. Improving customer relationships is a process that starts but that never ends, so keep up with the latest developments. It’s also important that you anticipate your trader’s movements. You will be the one who offers all their solutions even before they start having any problems.
It’s time to make customer service one of the pillars of your business.
After reading our post about different types of surveys, you’ve already done your first one. It is useless for you to have the data from a survey and not use it. Redefine your product and your brand’s values. Do a thorough analysis and sit down with your entire customer service team to build a new plan. Remember to set your goals and set a time limit to finally analyze the results a second time.
We recommend you to improve the specific flaws in your marketing funnel but also to strengthen the relationships with loyal traders. Check every stage of your marketing funnel and make it better.
Each communication channel is relevant in your forex business. Your traders can contact you through Social Media, live chatbots, call centers, email, etc. Your CRM is one of the best tools to build an integral customer service plan, so keep that in mind. When one of your potential traders tries to contact you through one of the channels you have available and it’s not working, their trust in your brand will decline.
On the contrary, if your channels are available the customer relationships will grow exponentially. It’s also important that your channels follow your branding guidelines and that all the social media accounts are connected. Additionally, you can start your emailing campaign with the Kenmore Design Forex CRM.
Any Forex company that is forward thinking is going to provide a multi-language service. But we are not talking about English, French, Russian, or Spanish. We are speaking about accessibility. One of your goals has to be to create trust. If you use too much technical language, they will not connect with you or your brand. The customer relationships won’t be the same if you don’t set a conversation. It’s evident that sometimes you have to work with a bit of technical language, but be aware of it.
This is just the beginning. Feel free to share your improvement ideas with your customer service team. Use the proper channels to connect with old and new clients. Speak English, French, Russian, or Spanish, but also the trader’s language. Make surveys but use the data to enact a good plan.
Finally, keep abreast of the latest customer experience trends. You have the control, but your clients have to believe the opposite.
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