When you connect with markets in every part of the globe, it’s essential to have multi-language support. Currently there are many options to start this process, which we will tell you about later. If you are able to reach different regions of the world your business will grow better. But for that you need to know how to implement multi-language support.
After reading this article you’ll have a broader view of the subject and the tools to begin. In which markets are you working? Where are your traders from? Which languages are most important for you?
All you need is two things: a translator and a multi-language support provider.

Currently many forex companies don’t invest in translation services for their websites. They prefer to include Google automatic translation, but this is going to change. Google is doing a lot to take the auto translation away from the website owners and make it only accesible browser tools. Bad news for Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge. From now on, their users have to install a plugin if they want to have this multi-language translation.
From the perspective of Kenmore Design we recommend that you hire experienced translators. It’s essential for your forex website because it will increase or decrease the user’s trust. Users don’t trust the same way in a well translated website in the same way as one that is not. There are many translation services to consider:
- ICanLocalize: They offer an affordable product for those who can’t make a large investment.
- Translated: They work for leading companies from all over the world.
- WPML: Absolute leader in WordPress translation.
When you implement multi-language support, you’ve just taken the first step. It’d be very useful for your forex business to carry out SEO strategies for each language of your website. Your international clients will find you sooner and you’ll capture more leads.
Depending on your investment level and your specific goals, you have a three options:
- A specific domain for each language: it requires a substantial investment, but also a great SEO strategy. Big companies usually choose this option for their goals.
- Unique Web Domain: it’s a reasonable option for your wallet but users will have to make more effort to remember your domains.
- One domain and using subdirectories for each language: it’s the cheapest option, but also the one that economizes your time the most. It would be easier to work your SEO strategy as all information is concentrated on a single website.
If you’ve already decided that multi-language support would be beneficial for your forex business, let us go into more detail. You do not have to worry about your Trader’s Room or your forex CRM because all Kenmore Design products feature multi-language integration.
You have an infinite number of languages just one click away. Additionally, we can implement a geo-location logic to automatically detect each visitor’s region and show the website in the local language.
In the meantime, until you have a copy of your website for one specific language the plug-in can enable that language. Doing that, you can launch the language when your copy is ready.
Trader’s Room allows language switching similar to that of a website. Once the language preference is set by the user (or auto-detected by the geo-location logic), the user’s confirmation emails are optimized for that language as well.
The advantage to having multi-language support is being able to work in different regions with particular business approaches – (e.g. specific content based on different regulations). This is a safe value to invest in. Your forex services will reach more traders and that has to be good, right?
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